Chief Executive of Managers Association, V.A. Evseev
Dear Victoria Mikhailovna!
On behalf of Managers Association we thank you for help in the arrangement of the XII award ceremony of prize winners “Aristos” which was held on the 23rd of October in the Great Hall of Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Chaykovskiy.
In the 15th anniversary of its development Managers Association decided to hold the solemn ceremony “Aristos” in a familiar place, Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Chaykovskiy.
Guests and participants of the ceremony who are Top Managers of Russian and foreign companies, public authorities and bodies of expert sphere appreciated highly the arrangement of the ceremony.
Thanks to your active participation and effective solving of given tasks, the high level of the arrangement and holding of the solemn award ceremony was reached.
We’ll be glad to cooperate with your professional team at other important events of Managers Association.
Managers Association 15th anniversary